[p4] How to do a dummy merge without actual content
Sven Erik Knop
2017-04-12 09:27:11 UTC
Hi Tanvir,

I think you missed the second step.

Merge the files from one stream to the next as you've done.
The next step is to resolve the files but ignore any changes (choose target files, "accept yours"). Easiest done from the command line with

p4 resolve -ay

This will ignore file changes and any added files.

With this step you have established a base, which will now be used for future integrations.

You will have to be careful with renamed files that differ in name between mainline and release.


Sven Erik


Sven Erik Knop | Principal Solutions Engineer
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On 12 Apr 2017, at 08:10, tanvirkazmi <perforce-user-***@forums.perforce.com<mailto:perforce-user-***@forums.perforce.com>> wrote:

Posted on behalf of forum user 'tanvirkazmi'.

We maintain two different streams, say mainline and a release stream. Currently,
we are setting both up for the first time (via imports from ClearCase), and they
have a lot of content showing as pending integration (via p4 interchanges).

Since these are new streams, we know that there is no need for any integration
between the two and Perforce should just ignore any pending integrations as of
date (via any command which does a dummy merge sort of which marks everything on
the destination stream as already integrated from source stream, but without any
actual merge content).

Once we have marked the two streams as being "in-sync", without any
further pending integrations, any new submits on either should be candidates for
any future merge or p4 interchanges command.

Is there something in p4 merge or similar which I can use to dummy mark the two
streams in sync without any pending integrations as of date? I looked around and
checked the syntax but nothing stood out.


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